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Types for PyEcotrendIsta.

This module defines various TypedDicts used in the PyEcotrendIsta client to represent responses and data structures from the ista EcoTrend API.

See Also

PyEcotrendIsta : The main client class for interacting with the ista EcoTrend API.


A TypedDict for the response returned by the getToken function.


  • access_token (str) –

    The access token issued by the authentication provider.

  • expires_in (int) –

    The number of seconds until the access token expires.

  • refresh_token (str) –

    The refresh token that can be used to obtain new access tokens.

  • refresh_expires_in (int) –

    The number of seconds until the refresh token expires.


Represents the response for an account in the ista EcoTrend API.


  • firstName (str) –

    The first name of the account holder.

  • lastName (str) –

    The last name of the account holder.

  • email (str) –

    The email address of the account holder.

  • keycloakId (str) –

    The Keycloak ID associated with the account.

  • country (str) –

    The country associated with the account.

  • locale (str) –

    The locale setting for the account.

  • authcode (str) –

    The authentication code for the account.

  • tos (str) –

    The terms of service agreed to by the account holder.

  • tosUpdated (str) –

    The date the terms of service were last updated.

  • privacy (str) –

    The privacy setting for the account.

  • mobileNumber (str) –

    The mobile phone number associated with the account.

  • transitionMobileNumber (str) –

    The mobile number used during the transition period.

  • unconfirmedPhoneNumber (str) –

    The unconfirmed phone number associated with the account.

  • password (str) –

    The password for the account.

  • enabled (bool) –

    Indicates whether the account is enabled.

  • consumptionUnitUuids (list of str) –

    List of UUIDs for the consumption units.

  • residentTimeRangeUuids (list of str) –

    List of UUIDs for the resident time ranges.

  • ads (bool) –

    Indicates whether advertisements are enabled.

  • marketing (bool) –

    Indicates whether the account holder has opted into marketing communications.

  • fcmToken (str) –

    The FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) token for push notifications.

  • betaPhase (str) –

    Indicates if the account is in the beta phase.

  • notificationMethod (str) –

    The method of notification preferred by the account holder.

  • emailConfirmed (bool) –

    Indicates whether the email address is confirmed.

  • isDemo (bool) –

    Indicates whether the account is a demo account.

  • userGroup (str) –

    The user group the account belongs to.

  • mobileLoginStatus (str) –

    The status of mobile login for the account.

  • residentAndConsumptionUuidsMap (dict of str to str) –

    A map of resident UUIDs to consumption unit UUIDs.

  • activeConsumptionUnit (str) –

    The UUID of the active consumption unit.

  • supportCode (str) –

    The support code for the account.

  • notificationMethodEmailConfirmed (bool) –

    Indicates whether the email for notification method is confirmed.


A TypedDict representing a month and year.


  • month (int) –

    The month value.

  • year (int) –

    The year value.


A TypedDict representing average consumption values.


  • additionalAverageConsumptionPercentage (int) –

    Percentage of additional average consumption.

  • additionalAverageConsumptionValue (str) –

    Value of additional average consumption.

  • additionalResidentConsumptionPercentage (int) –

    Percentage of additional resident consumption.

  • additionalResidentConsumptionValue (str) –

    Value of additional resident consumption.

  • averageConsumptionPercentage (int) –

    Percentage of average consumption.

  • averageConsumptionValue (str) –

    Value of average consumption.

  • residentConsumptionPercentage (int) –

    Percentage of resident consumption.

  • residentConsumptionValue (str) –

    Value of resident consumption.


A TypedDict representing compared values.


  • comparedPercentage (int) –

    Percentage comparison value.

  • comparedValue (str) –

    Compared value.

  • lastYearValue (float) –

    Value from the last year.

  • period (IstaMonthYear) –

    Period associated with the comparison.

  • smiley (str) –

    Smiley associated with the comparison.


A TypedDict representing a reading.


  • additionalUnit (str) –

    Additional unit associated with the reading.

  • additionalValue (str) –

    Additional value associated with the reading.

  • averageConsumption (IstaAverageConsumption) –

    Average consumption details.

  • comparedConsumption (dict) –

    Compared consumption details.

  • comparedCost (IstaCompared) –

    Compared cost details.

  • estimated (bool) –

    Indicates if the reading is estimated.

  • type (Literal['heating', 'warmwater', 'water']) –

    Type of the reading (heating, warmwater, water).

  • unit (str) –

    Unit of measurement for the reading.

  • value (str) –

    Value of the reading.


A TypedDict representing a time range.



A TypedDict representing a billing period.


  • exception ((Any, optional)) –

    Any exceptions related to this billing period. (data type unknown)

  • readings (list[IstaReading]) –

    List of readings associated with this billing period.

  • timeRange (IstaTimeRange) –

    The time range for this billing period.


A TypedDict representing the billing periods.


  • currentBillingPeriod (IstaBillingPeriod) –

    The details of the current billing period.

  • previousBillingPeriod (IstaBillingPeriod) –

    The details of the previous billing period.


A TypedDict representing the costs associated with a specific energy type.


  • comparedCost (IstaCompared) –

    The cost comparison data for the energy type.

  • estimated (bool) –

    Indicates whether the cost is estimated.

  • type (Literal['heating', 'warmwater', 'water']) –

    The type of energy (heating, warm water, or water).

  • unit (str) –

    The unit of measurement for the cost.

  • value (int) –

    The cost value.


A TypedDict representing data for a specific period.


  • date (IstaMonthYear) –

    The month and year for the period.

  • documentNumber (str | None) –

    The document number associated with the period, if any.

  • exception (Any) –

    An exception associated with the period (data type unspecified).

  • isSCEedBasic (bool) –

    Indicates if the SCEed basic plan is active for the period.

  • readings (list[IstaReading]) –

    A list of readings recorded during the period.

  • costsByEnergyType (list[IstaCostsByEnergyType]) –

    A list of costs categorized by energy type for the period.


A TypedDict representing the response structure for consumption data.


  • co2Emissions (list[IstaPeriods]) –

    A list of CO2 emission data over different periods.

  • co2EmissionsBillingPeriods (list[IstaBillingPeriods]) –

    A list of CO2 emission data over different billing periods.

  • consumptionUnitId (str) –

    The unique identifier for the consumption unit.

  • consumptions (list[IstaPeriods]) –

    A list of consumption data over different periods.

  • consumptionsBillingPeriods (IstaBillingPeriods) –

    The consumption data over different billing periods.

  • costs (list[IstaPeriods]) –

    A list of cost data over different periods.

  • costsBillingPeriods (IstaBillingPeriods) –

    The cost data over different billing periods.

  • isSCEedBasicForCurrentMonth (bool) –

    Indicates if the SCEed basic plan is active for the current month.

  • nonEEDBasicStartDate (Any) –

    The start date for non-EED basic plan (data type unknown).

  • resident (dict[str, Any]) –

    A dictionary containing resident information.


Represents the address of a consumption unit.


  • street (str) –

    The street name of the address.

  • houseNumber (str) –

    The house number of the address.

  • postalCode (str) –

    The postal code of the address.

  • city (str) –

    The city of the address.

  • country (str) –

    The country code of the address.

  • floor (str) –

    The floor number of the address.

  • propertyNumber (str) –

    The property number of the address.

  • consumptionUnitNumber (str) –

    The consumption unit number associated with the address.

  • idAtCustomerUser (str) –

    The ID assigned to the address at the customer user's end.


Represents the booked extra services for an Ista consumption unit.


  • cost (bool) –

    Indicates if cost service is booked.

  • co2 (bool) –

    Indicates if CO2 service is booked.


Represents a consumption unit.



Represents the response details for consumption units.


  • consumptionUnits (list[IstaConsumptionUnit]) –

    The list of consumption units.

  • coBranding (Any) –

    Co-branding information (data type unknown).